Meet our Steering Committee

Our steering committee ( SC)  comprises 7 individuals who come with varied experiences and unique perspectives of the early years sector in the Comox Valley. Together, the SC meet bi-monthly to plan, organize and support the outcomes of the Comox Valley Early Years Collaborative ( Collaborative). This collaborative represents a network of over 50 individuals and organizations dedicated to supporting and improving early years programs and services across the Comox Valley. The SC meetings are designed as a platform for professional organizations to engage, network, and collaborate effectively.

Meet the Steering Committee

  • Daina vanRijt - Coordinator

    Hello, I'm Daina vanRijt, the Coordinator of the Comox Valley Early Years Collaborative. My passion lies in building meaningful connections and community development.

  • Lindsay Friis - Program Lead for Supported Child Development and Aboriginal Supported Child Development, and Regional Advisor for Supported Child Development on Vancouver Island

    I bring to the Collaborative a connection from all of the core programs at the CVCDA, Child Care Programs in the Valley, children and families with support needs. I have an inclusive and strength-based lens that I bring to my interest in program planning and evaluation.

    I've witnessed the evolution of the EYC and value our collaborative strength. We are uniquely positioned to innovate in community connections and early years initiatives, thanks to the strong foundation built by those before us.

    The collaboration between agencies and community groups is a significant strength of the Comox Valley, and I want to see it thrive long after our time together.

  • Charlene Gray - Early Childhood Educator

    Co -chair of the local Branch of the Early Childhood Educators of BC,, Best Choices Ethical Journey Training Guide, ECEBC , workshop presenter, early years consultant and on-call educator for the Comox Valley Children's Day Care Society

    I bring over 35 years of experience as an ECE in both on-the-floor work with children and families as well as 14 years in Senior Management. I have served as President of ECEBC, served 7 years on the Provincial Child Care Council and the Board of Directors of the Canadian Child Care Federation. I am a lifetime member of the Coalition of Child Care Advocate of BC. I have been a member of the EYC for close to 15 years. My strengths lie in the connection and understanding I have between local early years issues and the broader provincial and Federal Picture for Child Care. I also rely on my experience as an advocate to create meaningful change locally and beyond. 

    I value my participation in the EYC because it gives me a way to connect and collaborate with like minded colleagues and agencies. I am inspired by the collective strength of a group of people who are all working towards the same goal. Being a member of the EYC gives me the opportunity to learn from many diverse perspectives and to grow a deeper connection to my community. 

    My dream for the EYC is that it continue to be a welcoming ,inclusive space where meaningful, grass-roots change can take place. I want the work we do to be guided by those we serve - meaning that we remain open to what young children and families in the Comox Valley really want for themselves.

  • Natalie Robinson - Executive Director of the Today and Tomorrow Society

    Natalie has a passion for engaging with Community and building connections. She has a keen interest in supporting families and finding long-

    term solutions to help our littles thrive, for generations to come. She loves the passion that each member brings and learning about how we can all work together. She always looks forward to meeting a new face at each meeting and counting on friendly familiar ones too. 

  • Betty Tate - Betty Tate, retired nurse educator at North Island College and a community volunteer with a commitment to my community being healthy.

    I bring a life-long commitment to early childhood development through supporting caregivers and families.  I have experience both as a member in and a leader of multiple Collaboratives from my work and volunteering life. I believe in equity and inclusion for everyone and work to promote social justice. 

    Why You're on the Steering Committee

    I believe we are “better together” and working collaboratively is the way we can impact early child development and support the adults in a child’s life. With all good intentions many of our supports and services are siloed and when we collaborate we break down silos that ultimately benefits families.   

    Dreams for the Collaborative Moving Forward

    I dream of a community that values and enriches the lives of all children and I believe the Collaborative can be part of making that dream come true. When our children have access to enriched environments we all benefit as they become healthy adults that contribute to making our community healthier.   

  • Lisa Pedersen-Skene - District Principal for Early Learning and Child Care with SD71

    Drawing from her extensive experience as a Kindergarten teacher. Before transitioning to her current district role, she served as a School Principal and Vice Principal for six years. Lisa is committed to building an early years system where students seamlessly transition into the school system from home or community child care. She is passionate about fostering strong relationships with early years educators and creating community connections that help families and students thrive.

  • Michelle Carty - Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR), Program Lead

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