North Comox Valley

The Building Connections for Valley Families Project

Come check out these free, friendly, neighborhood-based programs that will provide connections for both you and your young child(ren)! These informal mornings will offer a welcoming atmosphere and plenty of fun, play-based activities for babies and young children. Parents/caregivers will have a chance to socialize, enjoy a warm drink, and connect with others in a casual environment. A Family Connector will be on-site to arrange guest visitors or referrals with other community resources based on families’ interests. 

  • Drop-in and leave when it’s best for you

  • No pre-registration

  • Programs generally follow the School District 71 Calendar, with modifications as needed.
    Break for Winter, Spring, & Summer Holidays

  • For more information about these programs, please contact our North Comox Valley Family Connector, Darcie at

Come play, learn, explore and have fun with us !!!

How the Connections Project Started in the North Comox Valley

As per the recommendations of the ‘25x25 Report’, the Connections Project focused its first community engagement efforts in the North Comox Valley. This area represents the geographic boundaries defined by UBC for early childhood research.  The North Comox Valley was recommended as a starting point because of its diverse family demographics, and because there are fewer resources and activities for families in this area compared to other areas of the Comox Valley.

The Connections Project aims to support how families connect formally and informally within this unique, diverse, and mostly rural region of the North Comox Valley. As a result of extensive community engagement, two social innovations were selected (creating rural neighbourhood hubs and hiring a Family Connector) and these innovations are currently being piloted in the North Comox Valley neighbourhoods.

Connections Research follows the Social Innovation Lab Process

Phases of a Social Innovation Lab

Phase 1:
Data Collection & Community Engagement


Working with North Comox Valley-based parents and community service providers, we conducted parent surveys, focus groups, program visits, and individual conversations to gather information about the experience of raising young children in the North Comox Valley region.

Detailed Data from the North Comox Valley

Phase 2:
Analysis of Data & Plan Development


Working with residents, researchers, service providers and local leaders, the Connections staff and steering committee worked to develop a comprehensive Innovation Plan to increase and enhance supports for families with young children living in the North Comox Valley regions of Dove Creek, Merville, Black Creek, Huband Elementary Catchment, and Airport Elementary Catchment.

For a more detailed description of The Connections Project background, approach, selected innovations and recommended actions, read the North Comox Valley Innovation Plan.


North Comox Valley Systems Summary

Systems that support child well-being.

North Comox Valley Innovations

The North Comox Valley Family Connector, with local family.

The North Comox Valley Family Connector with a local family.

Phase 3:
Implement, Evaluate, and Adapt Neighbourhood Level Innovations

The Building Connections for Valley Families Project is excited to be supporting two new programs in the North Comox Valley at Dove Creek Hall and the Black Creek Community Centre. Learn more about these programs HERE.

These programs also provide opportunities for our Family Connector to have conversations with local families and learn more about how the community hubs can support families in developing better connections and accessing meaningful supports within their local communities.

Our Building Connections for Valley Families team has been busy engaging with parents, service providers, and community organizations to support two drop-in programs in the North Comox Valley. These Early Years Programs aim to offer parents and their children an informal means of connecting with each other, while also acquiring information about formalized supports/services available to them. They also serve as initial activities as we establish rural community hubs and develop opportunities to learn more about what connection and support looks like for families within their more immediate neighbourhoods.


Read the Neighbourhood-Level Innovations Report

Released on March 31, 2023, the Neighbourhood-Level Innovations Report provides an in-depth look at the Connections Project Pilot Innovations in North Comox Valley, South Comox Valley and Cumberland.

The first two years of North Comox Valley pilot Innovations are detailed on pages 5-13.

North Comox Valley Gallery

For more information about the Connections Project or to learn how you can participate, please contact

Key Funders

The Building Connections for Valley Families Project is made possible with generous support from:

The Vancouver Foundation’s Robert and Florence Filberg Fund for Medical (Health) Research, Comox Valley Community Foundation

Community Wellness Grant, Island Health

Rural Community Grant,
Comox Valley Regional District